/** @module */
* Calculate shape data for charts of budget for MES
* @param {Object} sequenceResults - MES methodResults plus a little extra candidate data
* @param {Object} screen
* @param {Object} budgetDataMES
* @returns chartDataMES
export default function vizMESChartsCalcShape(phaseResults, screen, budgetDataMES) {
const { socialChoiceResults, votes } = phaseResults
const { winnersByRound } = socialChoiceResults.explanation
const { costsByGeom, budgetsByGeom, colorRGBAByGeom } = budgetDataMES
const { votesByGeom } = votes
const nRounds = winnersByRound.length
const nGeoms = votesByGeom.length
const cols = 3
const xScale = 1 / cols
const yScale = -screen.width / cols
const sizeChart = screen.width / cols
const costShapesbyGeom = []
const budgetShapesbyGeom = []
for (let g = 0; g < nGeoms; g++) {
const { grid, voteIndex, voterGeom } = votesByGeom[g]
const { w, densityProfile } = voterGeom
const xCenter = voterGeom.x
const gridX = grid.x
const isGauss = (densityProfile === 'gaussian')
const sigma = w / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) // w = sigma * sqrt(2*pi)
const nVotes = voteIndex.length
const budgets = budgetsByGeom[g]
const costs = costsByGeom[g]
const budgetShapes = []
const costShapes = []
for (let r = 0; r < nRounds; r++) {
const curBudget = budgets[r]
const curCost = costs[r]
const budgetShape = []
const costShape = []
// Place graph in row and column
const idCol = r % cols
const idRow = Math.floor(r / cols)
const xTranslate = idCol * sizeChart
const yTranslate = (idRow + 1) * sizeChart
let p = 0 // point counter
// start bottom left
// go outside of screen by one pixel
const bottom = 0 * yScale + yTranslate
const left = Math.max(-1, gridX[0]) * xScale + xTranslate
budgetShape[p] = [left, bottom]
costShape[p] = [left, bottom]
p += 1
for (let i = 0; i < nVotes; i++) {
const xg = gridX[i]
if (xg < -1) continue
if (xg > screen.width + 1) continue
const shapeMult = (isGauss) ? Math.exp(-0.5 * ((xg - xCenter) / sigma) ** 2) : 1
// The shape is affected by the density of voters.
const dCurCosti = curCost[i] * shapeMult
const dCurBudgeti = curBudget[i] * shapeMult
// add point
const xb = xg * xScale + xTranslate
const yb = dCurBudgeti * yScale + yTranslate
budgetShape[p] = [xb, yb]
const xc = xg * xScale + xTranslate
const yc = dCurCosti * yScale + yTranslate
costShape[p] = [xc, yc]
p += 1
// end bottom right
const right = Math.min(screen.width + 1, gridX[nVotes - 1]) * xScale + xTranslate
budgetShape[p] = [right, bottom]
costShape[p] = [right, bottom]
p += 1
// close path
budgetShape[p] = [left, bottom]
costShape[p] = [left, bottom]
p += 1
costShapes[r] = costShape
budgetShapes[r] = budgetShape
costShapesbyGeom[g] = costShapes
budgetShapesbyGeom[g] = budgetShapes
const chartDataMES = { costShapesbyGeom, budgetShapesbyGeom, colorRGBAByGeom }
return chartDataMES