/** @module */
import colorBlender, { rgbToString } from './colorBlender.js'
import getTallyFractionsNameForVote from './getTallyFractionsNameForVote.js'
* Draw grid cells to show votes.
* @param {VoterShape} voterGeom
* @param {Screen} screen
* @constructor
export default function Grid1D(candidateList, screen) {
const self = this
const h = 200
const center = 100
let votesForGeom
let canList
self.update = (votesForGeom0) => {
votesForGeom = votesForGeom0
canList = candidateList.getEntities()
self.renderBackground = function () {
const { ctx } = screen
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.7
// draw each can separately
const nCans = canList.length
for (let i = 0; i < nCans; i++) {
ctx.strokeStyle = '#dddddd'
// ctx.strokeStyle = '#333333'
shapePath(ctx, i, true)
self.render = function () {
const { ctx } = screen
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.7
const nCans = canList.length
for (let i = 0; i < nCans; i++) {
// draw image
ctx.fillStyle = canList[i].color
const { colorRGBA } = canList[i]
ctx.strokeStyle = rgbToString(colorBlender([0.5, 0.5], [colorRGBA, [0, 0, 0]]))
shapePath(ctx, i, false)
function shapePath(ctx, iCan, drawOutline) {
const { grid, voteSet } = votesForGeom
const { x, w, densityProfile } = grid.voterGeom
const nCans = canList.length
const isGauss = (densityProfile === 'gaussian')
const gridX = grid.x
const sigma = w / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) // w = sigma * sqrt(2*pi)
const amp = h / nCans
const bottom = center + h * 0.5 - iCan * amp
// start bottom left
// go outside of screen by one pixel
const left = Math.max(-1, gridX[0])
ctx.moveTo(left, bottom)
const gl = gridX.length
const tallyName = getTallyFractionsNameForVote(voteSet[0])
for (let i = 0; i < gl; i += 1) {
const xg = gridX[i]
if (xg < -1) continue
if (xg > screen.width) continue
const voteMult = (drawOutline) ? 1 : voteSet[i][tallyName][iCan]
const shapeMult = (isGauss) ? Math.exp(-0.5 * ((xg - x) / sigma) ** 2) : 1
const y = bottom - amp * shapeMult * voteMult
ctx.lineTo(xg, y)
// end bottom right
const right = Math.min(screen.width, gridX[gl - 1])
ctx.lineTo(right, bottom)
// close path
ctx.lineTo(left, bottom)