/** @module */
import getPixelRatio from './getPixelRatio.js'
* Make the canvas part of the screen.
export default function ScreenCanvas() {
const self = this
self.background = document.createElement('canvas')
self.background.setAttribute('class', 'background')
self.ctx = self.background.getContext('2d')
self.foreground = document.createElement('canvas')
self.foreground.setAttribute('class', 'foreground')
self.fctx = self.foreground.getContext('2d')
self.setSize = (w, h) => {
const wpx = `${w}px`
const hpx = `${h}px`
const r = self.pixelRatio
const wd = w * r // measured in device pixels
const hd = h * r
self.background.width = wd
self.background.height = hd
self.background.style.width = wpx
self.background.style.height = hpx
self.foreground.width = wd
self.foreground.height = hd
self.foreground.style.width = wpx
self.foreground.style.height = hpx
self.ctx.scale(r, r)
self.fctx.scale(r, r)
self.setDisplayStyle = (displayStyle) => {
self.background.style.display = displayStyle
self.foreground.style.display = displayStyle
self.setStrokeStyle = (s) => {
self.ctx.strokeStyle = s
self.fctx.strokeStyle = s
self.pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(self.ctx)