/** @module */
import { copyArrayShallow } from '@paretoman/votekit-utilities'
import equidistantLine from '../plurality/equidistantLine.js'
import splitConvex from './splitConvex.js'
* Make polygons for each group of voters that gives a unique ranking.
* Divide a starting polygon into smaller polygons.
* Use a dividing line for each pair of candidates.
* @param {object} voterGeom
* @param {number[][]} canPoints
export default function castRankingFindPolygons(voterGeom, canPoints, verbosity) {
/* Start with polygons for each voterGeom
* At each division, increment the borda score for the closer candidate.
* The resulting borda score is nearly the opposite of the ranking. n-i-1.
// Just keep dividing up the polygons for each pair.
// Keep track of the indexes of who won, too.
// start with polygons for voterGeom
const voterPoly = makeCircle(voterGeom)
let cells = [voterPoly]
const n = canPoints.length
let bordaScore = [Array(n).fill(0)]
for (let i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
for (let k = i + 1; k < n; k++) {
const cn = cells.length
// split cells with voronoi, guess how many cells
// the number of cells will only increase, so start with cn and add more if needed
const newCells = Array(cn)
const newBordaScore = Array(cn)
let o = 0
for (let m = 0; m < cn; m++) {
const subject = cells[m]
const plane = equidistantLine(canPoints[i], canPoints[k])
const newC = splitConvex(subject, plane)
// sometimes near-zero-area polygons are formed that need to be removed
// because they also have rankings that don't make sense.
const pos = newC.positive
if (pos !== undefined && pos.length > 2) {
newCells[o] = pos
newBordaScore[o] = copyArrayShallow(bordaScore[m])
newBordaScore[o][k] += 1
o += 1
const neg = newC.negative
if (neg !== undefined && neg.length > 2) {
newCells[o] = neg
newBordaScore[o] = copyArrayShallow(bordaScore[m])
newBordaScore[o][i] += 1
o += 1
cells = newCells
bordaScore = newBordaScore
const cn = cells.length
const cansByRankList = Array(cn)
let rankings
if (verbosity >= 2) {
rankings = Array(cn)
for (let i = 0; i < cn; i++) {
rankings[i] = Array(n)
for (let i = 0; i < cn; i++) {
cansByRankList[i] = Array(n)
for (let k = 0; k < n; k++) {
cansByRankList[i][k] = []
for (let k = 0; k < n; k++) {
const rik = n - bordaScore[i][k]
cansByRankList[i][rik - 1].push(k)
if (verbosity < 2) continue
rankings[i][k] = rik
if (verbosity < 2) return { cells, cansByRankList }
const rankingPolygons2D = { cells, rankings, cansByRankList }
return rankingPolygons2D
* Make an approximate circle.
* @param {object} voterGeom
function makeCircle(voterGeom) {
const { x, y, w } = voterGeom
const r = w / 2
const n = 100
const circle = Array(n)
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const frac = i / (n - 1)
const angle = 2 * Math.PI * frac
const px = x + r * Math.cos(angle)
const py = y + r * Math.sin(angle)
circle[i] = [px, py]
return circle