/** @module */
import makeCensus from './makeCensus.js'
import makeDistrictMap from './makeDistrictMap.js'
import makeTractNoise from './makeTractNoise.js'
import makeVoterGeomsByDistrict from './makeVoterGeomsByDistrict.js'
import makeVoterGeomsByTract from './makeVoterGeomsByTract.js'
/** Make tracts */
export default function makeGeography(numTracts, numDistricts, voterGeoms, dimensions) {
const nx = numTracts
const ny = numTracts
const tractNoise = makeTractNoise(nx, ny)
const districtMap = makeDistrictMap(numDistricts)
const census = makeCensus(districtMap, nx, ny)
const voterGeomsByTract = makeVoterGeomsByTract(voterGeoms, tractNoise, dimensions)
const voterGeomsByDistrict = makeVoterGeomsByDistrict(census, voterGeomsByTract)
const geography = { nx, ny, tractNoise, districtMap, census, voterGeomsByTract, voterGeomsByDistrict }
return geography
export function makeTracts(geography0, numTracts) {
const geography = { ...geography0 }
/** Number of census tracts in x and y */
const nx = numTracts
const ny = numTracts
// Code that handles making geographic district noise.
const tractNoise = makeTractNoise(nx, ny)
geography.nx = nx
geography.ny = ny
geography.tractNoise = tractNoise
return geography
/** Make districts */
export function updateDistricts(geography0, numDistricts) {
const geography = { ...geography0 }
geography.districtMap = makeDistrictMap(numDistricts)
return geography
/** update census */
export function updateCensus(geography0) {
const geography = { ...geography0 }
const { districtMap, nx, ny } = geography
geography.census = makeCensus(districtMap, nx, ny)
return geography
/** Update VoterGeoms for each Tract */
export function updateVotersByTract(geography0, voterGeoms, dimensions) {
const geography = { ...geography0 }
const { tractNoise } = geography
geography.voterGeomsByTract = makeVoterGeomsByTract(voterGeoms, tractNoise, dimensions)
return geography
/** Update VoterGeoms for each Tract */
export function updateVotersByDistrict(geography0) {
const geography = { ...geography0 }
const { census, voterGeomsByTract } = geography
geography.voterGeomsByDistrict = makeVoterGeomsByDistrict(census, voterGeomsByTract)
return geography