VoteCasters: Votes are cast.
- Parent Page: Election
- Voter geometries cast their votes.
- A density of a population of voters is summed. A 1D or 2D spatial model is used to make the decision of how to vote or who to vote for.
- The vote is aggregated into a set that contains the information needed to elect, explain, and visualize.
- There are two ways to cast.
- By points.
- By regions. This is more complicated.
- The “votes” output data structure is described below. You can skip to that part.
A single Preference
: also called a single vote.
These are the three ways to state a preference.
- Plurality: a choice of a candidate.
- Scores: a score for each candidate.
- Ranking: a rank for each candidate.
A preference is stored as data in the following ways:
- Plurality
- pluralityVote: the chosen candidate.
- A candidate is represented as an integer from 0 to a max. The max is the number of candidates minus 1.
- type: Number
- pluralityVote: the chosen candidate.
- Scores
- scoreVote: an array of scores, indexed by candidate.
- A score is a number between 0 and 1. In the future, maybe integers between 0 and a maximum score.
- type: Number[], Number array
- length: number of candidates
- scoreVote: an array of scores, indexed by candidate.
- Ranking
- ranking: an array of ranks, indexed by candidate.
- A rank of 0 is the best ranking, then 1, 2, and so on. No rankings are skipped, but skipping is allowed. Equal ranks are allowed.
- type: Number[], Number array
- length: number of candidates
- cansByRank: an array of candidates lists, indexed by rank. Candidates can share a rank. Number[][]..
- indexInOrder: an array of candidates in order of rank. Only one candidate is listed per rank. Number[].
- netWinsPairwise: The number of wins minus number of losses for the first of a pair of candidates. Number[][]
- bordaScores: The borda scores for each candidate for one vote. Number[]
- bordaFractions: Fractional borda scores, between 0 and 1. Number[]
- ranking: an array of ranks, indexed by candidate.
Preference Lists
- Plurality
- There is no “pluralityVotes” list of preferences because it isn’t needed.
- Scores
- scoreVotes: a list of scoreVote preferences, Number[][]. Each preference has a score for each candidate.
- Ranking
- rankings: a list of preferences. Each preference has a rank for each candidate. Number[][]. 0 is the best ranking, then 1, 2, etc.
- cansByRankList: a list of preferences. Each preference is a list indexed by rank. Each entry is a list of candidates at that ranking. Candidates are represented by index. Number[][][].
Ways to say how many votes.
- area: number of pixels.
- density: votes per pixel. From 0 to 1.
- voteCount: a number of votes.
- totalVotes: total number of votes.
- All of these are non-negative real numbers.
Preference Tallies
Preference tallies tell how many votes have a listed preference.
- voteCounts: a list of numbers of votes for a list of preferences.
- Also used for “grid” of votes.
- voteFractions: a list of fractions for a list of preferences. voteCounts as a fraction of the total number of votes. From 0 to 1.
Candidate Tallies
Candidate tallies are just tallies indexed by candidate. This is a way to combine preferences. We have defined tallies for each type of preference:
- plurality
- countByCan: The number of plurality votes for a candidate.
- voteFractionByCan: The fraction of plurality votes for a candidate.
- score
- scoreSumByCan: number of votes times score, summed for each candidate.
- scoreAverageByCan: average score for each candidate. = scoreSumByCan / totalVotes. number of votes times score divided by max score, summed for each candidate. (not used)
- scoreFractionAverageByCan: average fractional score for each candidate.
- ranking
- bordaScoreSumByCan: sum of borda scores for a candidate.
- bordaFractionSumByCan: The sum of fractional borda scores for a candidate. (not used)
- bordaFractionAverageByCan: The average fractional borda score for a candidate.
- firstPreferences: a sum of ranking votes for each candidate, counting the vote only by the first preference.
Outside of voteCasters, we sometimes use a loosely defined tally. It changes its definition depending on the type of vote.
tallyFractions: A general term that should only be used when we don’t need to know what type of vote was being used but instead just want to give each candidate a number between 0 and 1.
Uses of tallyFractions
- tooltip uses tallyFractions and ranking
- TestVoterGraphic uses tallyFractions
- A general representation of a vote as a vector.
Pairwise Tallies
Pairwise tallies are indexed by a pair of candidates. The winning candidate is first and the losing candidate is second. This is another way to combine preferences.
- ranking
- winsPairwise: The number of wins for the first of a pair of candidates.
- winFractionPairwise: The fraction of wins for the first of a pair of candidates.
Some of the following object is output from a vote caster as the “votes” data structure.
- preferencesLists:
- scoreVotes - Each preference has a score for each candidate.
- rankings - Each preference has a rank for each candidate.
- cansByRankList - Each preference is a list indexed by ranking. A list of candidates is at each ranking.
- There is no “pluralityVotes” list of preferences because it isn’t needed. It would be an identity matrix.
- preferenceTallies:
- voteFractions - the fraction of the voters who share the same preference.
- candidateTallies:
- voteFractionsByCan - the fraction of plurality votes for each candidate.
- scoreFractionAverageByCan - the average fractional score for each candidate.
- firstPreferenceFractions - a list of fractions of voters who ranked a candidate first, indexed by candidate.
- pairwiseTallies:
- winFractionPairwise - the fraction of wins for the first of a pair of candidates.
- votesByGeom:
- Vote data for each voter geometry. A list of votesForGeom.
- votesForGeom: Vote data for just one voter geometry. votesForGeom parts may include one of the following, depending on the vote caster:
- votesForGeomCells: { ranking, cells }
- votesForGeomIntervals: { ranking, intervalBorders }
- votesForGeomGrid: { grid, voteSet, voterGeom }
- This varies as well, depending on voteCaster.
- parties: { partiesByCan, numParties }
- numCans: the number of candidates