Here’s a big list of things I want in the future.
- Parent Page: index
- Need to add more strategies when casting a vote.
- Perhaps judging on a universal scale is a strategy in some situation.
- Make a factor for compromise.
- Clicking on a tooltip over another screen doesn’t work.
- Handle zero candidate distribution, zero voters edge case for sampler.
- Needs labels.
- Use React, or Vue, or something rather than custom buttons.
Election Model
- Could use computational geometry to make line arrangement.
- Need to make districts predictable. At least for squares.
- Multi-phase elections.
- Animate +1 rising from candidate when they become winner.
- For multi-round methods, maybe also show comparisons between candidates in each round.
- We should not be using an object oriented approach like passing VoterViewList and CandidateViewList to a viz function. It’s too confusing and it seems to cross the boundary between simulation model and visualization. We should instead pass data to a viz function.
- Add docs for strategies.